Wonderful Winter Story Time!

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picture of a snowman with text that reads "ideas for a Wonderful Winter Story Time"

Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter this year, and so far he seems to be right on the money, at least where I live. As I’m writing this post in my cozy living room next to the fireplace, the weather outside is blustery and a thick sheet of ice encases a white blanket of snow in my backyard.

I’m looking forward to the day that spring triumphantly returns, but in the mean time, let me share my favorite winter story time rhymes, songs, and books. These are some favorites of my preschool library classes over the years – feel free to finish out your winter strong by introducing some of these to the kids who visit your school library or public library story times!

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Winter Songs & Rhymes

I just love incorporating simple songs and rhymes into my preschool library class, and these particular ones are always met with lots of smiles and giggles throughout the winter.

Snowy Surprise

I discovered this short rhyme a few years back on Preschool Education‘s website, and my students just love it! I modify the motions slightly when I use it with my students, and they are always delighted to participate. My version goes like this:

Sometimes the snow falls when I'm sleeping (pretend to sleep, with head resting on hands)
I'm so surprised (open eyes and gasp) when I awake
I look out at the world around me (hand on forehead as if shielding your eyes from the sun, searching around)
It looks like a frosted birthday cake! (pretend to eat a cake wildly, shoveling pretend handfuls of cake into mouth and saying "Num num num num num!")

Original Author: Unknown; Source: Preschool Education

Five Little Snowmen

For this rhyme I found on Not Just Cute with Amanda Morgan, I printed, cut out, and laminated five snowmen to display on my magnetic board during the rhyme, and I take one down with each verse. It goes like this:

Five little snowmen standing in a row (hold up five fingers)
Standing straight and tall in the deep cold snow
Out came the sun shining bright and hot all day (reach up and stretch, making a sun shape with your arms)
And one little snowman melted away (remove one snowman from the board)

(repeat with 4, 3, and 2 little snowmen)

For the last snowman, I switch the first line up a little to make sense:

One little snowman standing all alone (hold up one finger)

(continue with the remaining lines)

and then, to give the poem a little more joyful ending for the snowmen, I end it by sticking all the snowmen back up on the board one by one while saying,

it got COLDER and COLDER and COLDER and COLDER and COLDER and those little snowmen were back to play!

Original Author: Unknown, Source: Not Just Cute

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Snowy Pokey

Here’s a wintery take on a classic song. I came across this several years ago on The Cozy Red Cottage blog, and my students have been singing and dancing along ever since.

Here we go! Sing it to the tune of The Hokey Pokey and don’t forget to include the motions!

You put your right mitten in,
You take your right mitten out,
You put your right mitten in
and you shake it all about.
You do the snowy pokey
and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.

I go on to include verses about your left mitten, your right boot, your left boot, your hat, and your “snowself” as suggested in the post from The Cozy Red Cottage.

Original Author: Unknown; Source: The Cozy Red Cottage

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Winter Picture Books

Since it’s a winter story time, on to the stories! Here are five of my preschool students’ favorite picture books for winter time!

Winter, Winter, Cold and Snow by Sharon Gibson Palermo

The Most Perfect Snowman by Chris Britt

Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Beuhner

Penguin Gets the Hiccups by Tadgh Bentley

The Snow Thief by Alice Hemming

I hope these rhymes and stories for cold days will warm your students’ hearts and put smiles on their faces!