Yes! EVEN MORE Freebies for Your School Library on Teachers Pay Teachers

It’s THAT time of year – that stretch of late February when spring seems so close but SO far.

Spring…you are out there somewhere…right? RIGHT??!! – This image is a derivative of a photo by freegr from Pixabay

So…to brighten your day…I think it’s a perfect time for some freebies!

If you’re new around here, I should let you know that I LOVE the free products on TpT. (That’s why I design so many for my store!)

I also LOVE compiling lists of cool freebies on TpT for school librarians. (If you’ve never seen one of my lists before, check out this one and this one and this one too!)

So without further ado, here’s my latest list of FREE products for teacher-librarians on Teachers Pay Teachers. Snuggle up and get downloading, friends!

STEAM / Makerspace

Let’s start off with these imagination-boosting STEM challenge cards by Teaching Dinos! Students will enjoy building their way through desert survival scenarios!

And check out this playground design freebie from EdTech classroom! Your students will have a ball as they design and build a prototype of a playground!

Which of your students can build the longest paper chain? Find out with this easy and fun stem challenge. (This was a perfect fit for my firsties right before Christmas! We used red paper, and after our class, the kids brought them home to use as decorations!) The free resource includes a versatile engineering and design planning sheet that would work for many different types of stem challenges!

Here’s a perfect stem challenge to wrap up a long winter – a “build an igloo” challenge by The Classroom Around the Corner!


Help your library learners get ready for coding with these unplugged coding activities! TpT has this super freebie by PixelPixiesPH and this one by EdTech Classroom! So fun!


When you teach your students about literary genres, TpT has plenty of free posters to help you out! Try this set by Teaching Literacy and this set by A First for Everything with Julie Pettersen!

Over 100 NEW Products Added! Hundreds of innovative new products, just in time for a new school year

Library Signage & Posters

Bring some style to your library space and make things easy to find by labeling sections with these signs by Joyful Librarian!

And these signs by TaylorMade-1st Grade are great for teaching students about how to take care of books!

And now, it’s time for a freebie designed by me! I made this free poster set to spread positivity and remind students that libraries offer something for everyone!

Dictionary Skills / ABC Order

Give your students a chance to practice their dictionary skills with this great freebie by Little Red Writing House and another one by Free to Teach.

Now here’s a cute one for winter! Students can review ABC order and using guide words with this freebie by Wild in Second Grade!

From Mrs Humphries class, try this free activity to give your students an opportunity to practice alphabetical order!

Image by Stock Photo Stop

Setting the Standard has a double feature for us – ABC order printable task cards and Boom Cards™. Your little library friends can practice those ABCs whether you are teaching in person or virtually or a little of both!

In this freebie by More Than Math by Mo, students can enjoy an arctic animals theme as they practice their alphabetical order skills!

This Week's Coupon at


Here are some terrific resources you can use when you are teaching your students how to research.

For your littles, this animal-themed research freebie by ATBOT the Book Bug would be a fun way to learn beginning research skills!

And this freebie by Travis Terry would make a great research assignment for your older students (and their science teachers will love you!)

This image is a derivative of a photo by VIVIANE MONCONDUIT from Pixabay

For The Little Ones

Your preschool or kindergarten library students will love making these adorable library memory books by the Brave Little Librarian!

And this resource by ATBOT the Book Bug includes several activities your littlest library students will enjoy during your lessons about fiction and nonfiction!

Here’s a cute puzzle by Naomi Meredith for your little guys to complete when you introduce the topic of digital citizenship!

And let’s not forget these adorable library-themed songs by Vr2lTch!


You can never have too many bookmarks! There are tons of cute, printable, and FREE options on TpT! Such as…

  • This kindness-themed set by White’s Workshop!
  • This gaming-themed set by ATBOT the Book Bug!
  • This hidden picture set by Inner Pieces Gallery!
  • This set designed for middle and high school students by My Lovely Middle!
  • This Valentine’s Day themed set by Hot Chocolate ESL Education!
  • This set from Michael Friermood – The Thinker Builder, which also comes with complimentary and adorable posters!

Especially for Library Life in a Pandemic

Now it’s time for a SHOUT OUT to my fellow sanitizer-scented librarians who have the pleasure of teaching in person this school year! Here are a couple of goodies especially for you.

Did you ever think that book quarantining would be a thing? Yeah, me neither. But since it is, here’s some signage so you can label those potentially germy books while they de-germify! We’ve got a free book quarantine sign by To the Classroom and Beyond. And if you want a poster that really gets into the nitty-gritty of book quarantining dos and don’ts, here’s one from Flip and Flutter Creations!

And here are some signs by Shirley Anderson to remind students about sanitizing their hands before and after they touch books.

And to encourage social distancing, here is a free printable sign I designed that you can print off as a reminder of the expectation to social distance in the library or media center.

Fantastic and Fun Finds

These freebies didn’t fit neatly into my other categories, but they are just too darn awesome to pass up!

Are you teaching virtually and need a banner to make your Google Classroom™ a little brighter? Byte Sized Resources has you covered with this free banner set! Or, try this one by The LibrariYan! Or download both and keep switching them up!

I made this free deck of Boom Cards™ to help students practice organizing fiction books in alphabetical order by call number! It’s great for in-person learning or digital learning (if I do say so myself!). 😁

And this free product from Hands on Reading includes a fun library scavenger hunt and a book spine poetry activity!

So Many Freebies!

This concludes our latest TpT-freebie-ganza! Please visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store (and the stores of any of these great TpT teacher-authors!) so you can discover other fantastic resources that will help you through that last L-O-N-G stretch of the school year!

**Thank you so much to the Teachers Pay Teachers teacher-authors who gave me permission to include links to their free resources in this post! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog so you don’t miss my next post!**

Disclosure: The banner below is an affiliate link. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive compensation at no additional cost to you. 

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